North West Facing House Vastu

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North West Facing House Vastu – Vastu Vastu apartment for west facing house. Vastu for Northwest facing House | 2 August 2018 by Sanjay Kudi 37896 views

Northwest direction is between 292.5° to 337.5° in vastu compass. The northwest corner is an important direction between west and north. The Moon is the ruling planet in the north-west direction. As soon as the sun sets in the west, the moon, the ruler of the night, begins to rise in the northwest direction. Her husband is Marut Dev, the wind god. Since the northwest is the meeting point of the hot and cold regions, this region is an ideal place for air to enter.

North West Facing House Vastu

North West Facing House Vastu

The natural behavior of air is to flow. Because they don’t stay in one place for long, even people who live in the north-west direction of the wind don’t have the persistence or tendency to stay in one place for long. Therefore, it is not the most suitable place for the bedroom of the head of the house, but the best place for the guest room. Due to the quality of the air, it is especially useful for those who want to be away from their country for some reason or who want to travel both domestically and abroad, this route is also suitable.

X 29 West Facing House Plan With Vastu || Plan No : 251

In addition, this strategy is also a good place to store food grains. Food stays clean longer due to the availability of air, so air is always in the north-west direction helping to keep the food grains clean in that direction.

In addition, this strategy is also very suitable for bedrooms of unmarried girls of marriageable age, pets and recreation rooms. Air is also rajasic in nature like fire and helps in fueling the fire, so the kitchen can also be built in the north-west direction.

If the road from which you enter the house is located in the north-west direction of the house, your house is called north. [To know the correct direction of the house from vastu compass, click this article link – / find-instructions]

The location of the main door has a special meaning in Vastu Shastra. Considering this importance, in Vastu Shastra, a piece of land is divided into 32 equal parts or posts. Out of these 32 items, a total of 9 positions are highly preferred because the construction of the main door provides many benefits to the residents of the house.

Vastu Tips For West Facing House

One thing to note here is that in any building, the main entrance should not be diagonal (north-east, south-east, south-west, north). In north-facing buildings, the main entrance can be made in the fourth or fifth position from the west or, if possible, in the north, then in the 3rd, 4th or fifth position. [Read this to know main gate vastu – /main-gate-vastu]

1- It is better to maintain the slope of the house and the flow of water used in the house towards the northeast. This type of slope provides health benefits to people at home.

2- If the north and east directions are less high and empty than the south and west directions, this is an indication of good luck. This type of Vaastu gives economic benefits.

North West Facing House Vastu

4- After the southeast corner of the house, the next best option to build a kitchen is the northwest. A storage house can also be built in the northwest corner.

North Facing House Vastu

5- The construction of an underground water tank in Ishaan is very beneficial for the health of the residents of the building.

6- Create an empty Brahmasthan in the north-west facing the house, build a bedroom in the south-west, a place of worship in the north-east, a children’s room in the west, etc. There are several examples that pave the way for happiness and success for household members.

8- Build a house in the west and south and face north and east as much as possible. This will bring you very favorable results.

1- It is unfortunate for any direction to progress in the plot. If North West is progressed, not only there is fear of theft and fire in the house, but that Vaastu creates a conflict situation in life.

West Facing House Design

2- If the Vaastu of both South East and North West corners of the house are incorrect, the chances of fire in the house increase. Especially if the ratio of south-east and north-west directions is greater than south-west and north-east, the risk of fire in the house increases.

3- In any house, the highest point is in the south-west, then the height gradually decreases to the south-west, north-west and north-east. But if Vayavya is inferior to Ishaan, this type of Vaastu defect is caught in legal disputes.

4- It is interesting to note that the Moon is the ruling planet in the north-west direction which is related to the human mind. That is why Northwest Vaastu direction affects the mind both positively and negatively. For example, cutting the North Atlantic affects people’s mental health. The person still does not change in a wild and unfounded affair and problems like headaches and dizziness can also occur.

North West Facing House Vastu

6- Northwest in front, more than southwest or northwest roof etc.

X40 House Plans

7- Marg Prahar in North West is also a Vaastu defect which has special effect on women’s health. In addition, such methods also make family members of victims of addiction.

If the building facing north is not built according to Vaastu, then the owner of this type of building is constantly in legal disputes. In addition, a malefic house facing north also makes a person very philosophical and sometimes a person becomes free from worldly life. Hence the North facing building should be really in harmony with Vaastu and the residents of this type of house should live happily and prosperously.

Sanjay Kudi is one of India’s leading Vastu consultants and the founder of SECRET VASTU. His work with national and international clients from all walks of life has yielded excellent results. He has developed a more effective and holistic approach to Vastu that reflects the most important aspects of traditional Vastu, along with modern Vastu medicine and environmental psychology. Sanjay Kudi, will give you a personalized Vastu analysis report to open the door to the incredible possibilities that the ancient science of Vastu can bring to your life. So if you are ready to take your career growth, business and happiness to the next level, contact us. Feel free to contact us by phone, whatsapp or email.

Hello Chitra ji, you can contact us via whatsapp [+91 93583 89567]. I also provided a link. Just follow the link and provide the required information. https:///contact/Northwest entry house can give very high rate of money flow but outflow is faster than the rate of inflow. These houses are always sensitive because of the frequency of arguments, the lack of a combination of resolution and harmony. His family is more prone to jealousy than those closest to him. The presence of a kitchen in the northeast and two toilets, a bathroom in the southeast definitely leads to a higher incidence of chronic health problems in the house.

North Facing House Vastu

At the same time, it is also responsible for cash flow issues, academic progress and health. It also creates obstacles, delays and a higher percentage of unrealized expenditures. A children’s bedroom in the northeast is good, but God’s place with the parents’ bedroom is preferable. The master bedroom is also placed in the southwest corner, but it still makes it ineffective, because the head is facing west and part of it is a tower in the central Brahma area, but it moves to the corner diagonally opposite the same bedroom as the head in the south. direction will make the master bedroom very positive.

Paths with bathrooms in the southeast, along with other bathrooms and cut in the south, are more likely to disrupt marital relations. Austerity in the West leads to physical, mental or financial instability. The place of God should be moved from the north north west to the north east to the east area in the children’s room. This house is only 25% positive; But with proper assessment and perfect resources, it can be changed to 95% positive without dismantling. We all know that house plans prepared based on Vastu Shastra principles are called Vastu House Plans. If

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