Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

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Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu – Vastu for toilet and bathroom deserves special attention. This is the part of the house that can generate the most energy and therefore should be planned very carefully.

Gone are the days when latrines were placed outside the house to keep the negativity out of the house.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

With the growing culture of flats and apartments, there is limited space to determine the direction and location of Vastu toilets.

What’s The Right Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu? 16 Useful Vastu Tips!

Toilets and bathrooms should be prioritized to comply with Vastu standards as pipelines are installed throughout the building and cannot be moved or moved easily.

So, in this article I will answer the most common questions about Vastu for toilets and bathrooms.

I will also present the worst and best toilet positions according to Vastu, internal arrangement of things, common issues etc. to make toilets and bathrooms in your home Vastu compatible.

Toileting is an excretory act. We use them for waste disposal. Therefore, their correct location is very important.

Triangle Print Plastic Toilet Brush And Holder Set

Eg- We know that the direction of money flow is south-east. Having a toilet in the southeast can kill all chances of smooth cash flow.

This is a great place to put a bathroom (just the bathroom area, not the dresser). The energy of this area keeps a person fresh and rejuvenated. And bathing is the best way to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Therefore, a bathroom area is ideal here.

Pouring water into our body activates the Swadhisthan chakra (representing the water element). Bathing changes our mood and gives us new energy. If the external environment supports the internal forces, the results are magnified. The strength of this sector helps us achieve this.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

East South East is a good place to keep toilet. The energy in this area is very favorable and conducive to the waste disposal process.

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A toilet placed here reduces the excessive wandering of the mind and curbs the over-analytical tendencies of the inhabitants. It also solves problems related to anxiety and panic attacks.

This is the best place to install the toilet. As a disposal area, the energy of this area can naturally remove all waste material from our lives. Whether it’s human garbage, mental or emotional waste, useless relationships – it’s the best area to dump everything that’s useless to us.

According to the ancient texts of Vastu, it is responsible for releasing all the blocked emotions in our mind. Therefore, the texts refer to a “

It has also been recommended to construct a toilet here. Doing this helps the resident to release and remove all the emotions that are blocked in their mind and heart.

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Flushing negative emotions out of the system calms the mind and heart. After that, the physical body follows and becomes disease-free.

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to toilet seats. Some experts say that the recommended toilet seat is to face the south side and should be avoided altogether.

Here are some Vastu facts and tips for choosing a Vastu toilet seat:

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

Conducting thousands of case studies revealed a common thread to us – improperly installed toilets are the most notorious for causing major health and economic problems. The biggest danger is that they are the most neglected. Many people have already faced these problems and many are still facing a serious challenge.

Vastu Tips: Construction Of Toilets In North Direction Of The House Brings Troubles. Know Why

Because most people only look at the best location of the main door or the right location of the kitchen while studying the vastu plan of the house.

If they get both of these right, they will continue to buy because they think they have the best home.

Also according to Vaastu if they get a room facing East or North, without even seeing the location of the toilet, they consider it auspicious.

Therefore, proper placement of toilet and bathroom should be given a very high priority as per Vastu. Moreover, according to Vaastu, proper location of septic tank is equally important as it acts like a toilet.

Vaastu For Toilet

Now that we know the importance of proper placement of toilets and bathrooms as per Vastu, let’s look at some of the most common problems people face due to incorrect placement in different directions.

This is the worst possible toilet seat placement. It causes serious health and economic problems. It completely blocks the flow of ideas and thoughts leading to very poor decision making.

A toilet in the northeast can cause serious neurological problems and is one of the leading causes of paralysis.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

A toilet in the past leads to poor connections and social circles. People don’t find the right partners to help them improve. People looking for a bride or groom do not find a suitable partner.

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It also causes liver and gall bladder related health problems. The toilet here also causes health problems related to the circulatory system.

Note: You may want to read our wonderful article on how Vastu affects different parts of your body.

Installing a toilet here will cost you a lot of money and cause financial loss. For merchants, payments are blocked or delayed.

Here a toilet can cause serious health problems mainly for housewives. It can also cause delay in marriage. For expectant mothers, the toilet here can seriously endanger the health of the fetus.

Bathroom And Toilet Direction As Per Vastu: Useful Vastu Tips For Bathrooms And Toilets

However, if you are expecting a child in the family, you must read our article on Vastu for safe delivery.

According to Vastu Purush Mandal, this is a very important aspect for the longevity of the building and its occupants. So building a toilet here will put both at risk.

A toilet here can cause loss of peace and health problems related to the digestive system.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

This will attract many court cases and attract the attention of Income Tax, Police Department etc.

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A toilet in the south reflects badly on goodwill and brand name. So, while designing for office, you should always avoid south facing toilets.

The southwest aspect represents the Muladhara Chakra in the body, which is responsible for physical, mental and financial stability. A toilet here will definitely cause instability in life and break family ties. Read more about Vastu for happy relationship.

West is the direction of profit, achievement, inspiration and expansion. For traders, a toilet here creates many hurdles for financial gain and business expansion. When designing for stores and showrooms, this is something we strictly avoid.

If you feel like you’re almost at the point of success but get stuck at the last moment or stage, a toilet here could be a reason.

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A toilet here can break the foundations of anything in life. It can delay the construction of a building or disrupt the foundation of a relationship. According to Vastushastra, the northwest toilet also causes property disputes.

You may not get support from the right people when you need it. A toilet in the northwest will hamper your savings and investments. Read more for Vastu Conservation.

North house, the benefactor of wealth, is one of the auspicious houses that help in earning money. A toilet built here can hamper any money making opportunities and put a brake on your career and career advancement.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

When building for factories and industries, we have seen that a toilet in the north creates many problems related to employment.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu Toilet Seat Facing As Per Vastu

If your toilet is not flushed properly, here are some remedies to eliminate Vastu Dosha:

Note that the above treatments are general in nature and depending on the problem you are facing you may need specific treatment.

If you are facing health, peace or financial problems, it is better to consult an expert Vastu consultant.

Remember that Vastu is best when customized according to the occupants of the house. Blindly following simple vastu tips from the internet can do more harm than good.

Ad Vastu Editor Dr Jai Madaan Answers Readers’ Questions

When deciding on the interior arrangement of the toilet or bathroom, follow the following guidelines as much as possible:

Vastu for Toilet: People Ask (PAA) Question: What is the best side of toilet seat / best face for toilet seat according to Vastu Shastra?

Answer: The direction the toilet seat faces is not that relevant. We live in the modern world of apartments and condos where it is virtually impossible to change the orientation of the toilet seat in terms of comfort.

Toilet Seat Direction As Per Vastu

The only rule is not to face east while sitting on the toilet seat. It is best to avoid the east side of the sunrise

Balancing The South West Corner With Vastu Tips From Experts

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