How To Save Transparent Background In Photoshop

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How To Save Transparent Background In Photoshop – Graphic Design Stack Exchange is a question and answer forum for graphic design professionals, students and enthusiasts. Registration only takes a minute.

When I want to save my image as png, I get a white background even though I don’t use the whole dimension, I fill the rest with a white background.

How To Save Transparent Background In Photoshop

How To Save Transparent Background In Photoshop

How can I save as png without white background? I also tried several guides on the internet but none of them helped me or the options are not in adobe photoshop cc 2019.

How To Make Background Transparent In Gimp A Developer’s Notes

There is a check box for transparent background in the File>Export As dialog……you checked that, right?

This option if you choose File>Export as a PNG prompt – so make sure you choose File>Export as… and select the .png format in the export dialog.

Added to answer OP’s comment – but with a warning – don’t add new questions to comments – generally here at GDSE this is considered a bogus error.

What I was talking about at the top of my answer was how to get a transparent background for your .png as opposed to a white background, because that’s exactly what you asked – in your comment to My answer is you added a second constraint with a misunderstanding. fixed there : that you also want to crop on the border of the figure – and maybe when you talk about “espace blanc” in your OP, you’re not wondering about white vs transparency, but maybe just a “wasted space for composition” question.. .this, in Photoshop, is best done before exporting your artwork, using the Image>Trim… Transparent Pixels command.

Ways To Remove Background With Photoshop Elements

Hopefully by now I’ve covered the transparency and wasted space issues and you should be ready to rock n’ roll.

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This article was co-authored by expert writer Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a technology writer and editor for . Travis has experience in technology writing, software customer service and graphic design. It is specialized for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College.

How To Save Transparent Background In Photoshop

One of the most useful skills you can learn in Photoshop is removing backgrounds from photos. This allows you to place your subject in the image you want, without worrying about mixing the background or dealing with a plain white surface. There are many ways to remove the background from an image, depending on the complexity of the background. This teaches you how to remove a background in Photoshop Elements.

Photoshop Saving Image Without White Background

This article was co-authored by expert writer Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a technology writer and editor for . Travis has experience in technology writing, software customer service and graphic design. It is specialized for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. This article has been viewed 943,887 times.

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