Convert Benjamin Moore To Sherwin Williams – When we first bought our house, the first thing we noticed was how much we loved the living room we walked into. It was light and airy, with vaulted ceilings, tall windows, roasted bamboo floors, and the most soothing teal color I had ever seen.
Depending on the lighting, this room can be gray, greenish or cream. It was also clean and warm. We were hoping to use the same color in this room when we needed a touch up. We tried some custom matches as well as some commercially available paints in the hope that something would be close enough and this is what our wall looked like:
Convert Benjamin Moore To Sherwin Williams
I found out later (much, much later) that the color was discontinued years ago and a custom blend was made at Kelly-Moore. Up until this point, we had only used Sherwin-Williams paint in our house because we loved the Harmony line of colors. Long story short, we ended up creating our own custom mix, which was great because we could immediately test the color on our wall. I was so relieved when we figured it out! We were so grateful to the folks at Kelli Moore who were willing to help out and give us some paint to color match our home. Here is our living room:
The Best Green Paint Colors • A Glass Of Bovino
But first we had to understand the information on the paint label. Specifically, I wanted to understand the color formula/recipe. It was strange, but I couldn’t find much information on the internet and had to ask several paint shop employees. I thought I’d do this little post to share what I’ve learned about Kelly-Moore and Sherwin Williams color labels.
In the upper right corner is the store code, address and phone number where the color was purchased.
On the left we see the date the paint was made and two more series of numbers (in the green box below):
Example: Finish 550, which is flat – 222, which is a medium shade of base – 1K means 1 liter.
Benjamin Moore Saybrook Sage (hc 114) Vs Sherwin Williams Clary Sage (sw 6178) Side By Side Comparison
*note: shade base is important because the same colors work differently with different shades.
18 – 0580 – 0233 = (last two digits of the year) – (code, if modified) – (establishment code)
Example: The year of manufacture of a paint is 2018 – the custom paint code for this paint is 0580 – and the establishment code is 0233.
In the middle above the barcode is the name of the color. If you have your own mix, you can choose a name, or sometimes the person who helps you is inspired.
Sherwin Williams Evergreen Fog Benjamin Moore Equivalent
The color system used is shown on the right side of the label. Due to different environmental regulations in your state, paint companies may use a different system to meet requirements. See green box below.
Below is the formula or recipe for the colors used in this color. I’ll just go over the first line.
B 0I 12.5000 = (color used) (number of color ounces) (number of color drops)
Example: Black color (B) is used here and the total amount of color used is 0 ounces and 12.5 drops. Known color codes are:
Best White Paint For Walls
*note: Kelly-Moore uses a 48 drop/oz system. You can use this conversion to calculate the amount of each color in your color. However, keep in mind that there are differences between stores, between the equipment used and the handling of the operator. We converted this to metric milliliters to adjust and record our results. If interested 1 fl oz US. is ~29.5735 mL, so a drop of Kelly-Moore dye is (1/48)*29.5735= ~0.616 mL.
*note: We were told by our local store that 1/8 of a drop (or .1250 in the number system above) is the smallest increment they can add to adjust the color, but it’s best to check with your local store. At these volumes, store/equipment/operator variations can really affect results. In case of interest, this is (1/8)*0.616 ml = ~0.077 ml.
In the upper left corner is the store code and the phone number from which the color was purchased. The date and order number is shown in the right corner.
Below is the color information. Sherwin-Williams can write colors pretty well.
Sherwin Williams Sea Salt
*Note: If you are purchasing a Sherwin-Williams formula, the name is usually the color code followed by the name (ie “7558 MEDICI IVORY”) and the mention “SHER-COLOR FORMULA”.
Below is the formula or recipe for the colors used in this color. See green box below. I’ll skip the first two lines.
= (Color system) (number of oz. of color) (1/32 oz. of color) (1/64 oz. of dye) (1/128 oz. of dye)
Example: B1-Black is used here and the total amount of color used is zero oz., 3 1/32 oz., zero 1/64 oz. and 1 1/128 oz. or I won’t go into the color codes because their full names are also listed on the label.
Paint Colour Review: Benjamin Moore Ballet White Oc 9
*note: Sherwin-Williams uses a fractional liquid system. Their labeling system refers to one part oz., but you can also think of the above as 32 drops/fluid ounce. If interested 1 fl oz US. is ~29.5735 mL, so one drop of Sherwin-Williams paint is (1/32)*29.5735= ~0.924 mL. If you think about it this way, the same example above is now:
Example: Here B1 black color is used and the total amount of color used is zero ounces, 3 drops, zero half drops and 1 quarter drop.
You can use this conversion to calculate the amount of each color in your color. However, keep in mind the above variations.
*note: As you can see, the smallest increment that can be seen here is 1/4 of a drop, so the smallest increment of color that can be added is 1/4 of a drop. In case of interest, this is (1/4)*0.924ml = ~0.231ml.
Benjamin Moore Dakota Woods Green (2139 20) Vs Sherwin Williams Shade Grown (sw 6188) Side By Side Comparison
Below that, the volume of the base color and shade is displayed. See the green box below:
As for the little X at the bottom, there’s usually a bit of a stretchy color there.
I hope this helped give you a better idea of what colors and how well they work with your colors, in case you ever fall in love with a mystery color that you need to recreate at Kelly-Moore or Sherwin-Williams! When we talk about the most promising paint brands, we would immediately say that they are Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore! Both paint manufacturers produce the highest quality paints. But can you match these colors? In this post, we will share our detailed answer with you.
Yes, you can color match Sherwin Williams with Benjamin Moore if you want. They do not differ in patterns, so it is possible to match the two paint brands. However, it is wise to refrain from matching them so that the project you are working on has a uniform, precise shade or color.
Benjamin Moore Navajo White
We want to be informative and talk a little deeper about this issue. And we hope you will read this post till the end to increase your knowledge. Plus, it helps you choose a paint brand carefully the next time you’re doing a home improvement project.
We would like to help you choose the best paint brand between Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore by presenting their pros and cons. So which paint brand is better?
According to our thorough research, Benjamin Moore is more satisfactory. But his superiority over Sherwin Williams is only a small difference.
Both brands of paints excel in durability, ease of application, quality and covering ability. But what makes Benjamin Moore a better brand is its increased quality and coverage.
Benjamin Moore Classic Gray
You’ve probably already heard of its Regal Select color. It is considered the best interior paint in the industry. Also, the Benjamin Moore exterior paint line can be a lot more expensive compared to others, but keep in mind that this brand is worth every penny.
In general, Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams are paints in their own right. They stand out even when you compare them to Valspar and Behr or other quality paint brands.
If you compare similar products of the two brands, Sherwin Williams costs less than Benjamin Moore. Their price difference ranges from $3 to $5.
Sherwin Williams offers the Superpaint line. And if we compare it with its flagship Emerald series, it will cost less. Their price difference is $30, but their quality is not different. Plus, paint experts and homeowners generally say the Superpaint range is the best value for money.
Benjamin Moore Normandy (2129 40) Vs Sherwin Williams Waterloo (sw 9141) Side By Side Comparison
Read more about: “How much is a gallon of Benjamin Moore paint? [Cost breakdown by type of coating]’
The location of Benjamin Moore paint stores is its main drawback. Finding a Benjamin Moore store can be difficult because they mostly sell their paints through retailers. But that will depend on your location, on the other side of Sherwin
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