Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

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Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color – A very active topic for us in this area is the optimal conversion of PANTONE colors to CMYK for classic and economical four-color printing. A few days ago there was a discussion on this topic in the Adobe forum and the color management forum at, and I want to cover it briefly, because many of our customers have the same problem.

The central question is which color standard or profile represents the CMYK value of the PANTONE color in the bridge. In particular, the user requested a change to PANTONE 116 C, the tone color shown in the PANTONE bridge fan in CMYK 0/14/100/0 (you can see the original values ​​in PANTONE here). But if you now convert PANTONE Lab color values ​​in InDesign or Photoshop to different CMYK profiles, you get different and different color values. “What do PANTONE bridge CMYK color values ​​mean?” The first question in the discussion.

Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

The PANTONE Bridge Fan indicates the “equivalence” between coated paper and uncoated paper in the PANTONE color space, divided by 4 colors of the Pantone scale, defined as CMYK values.

Oregon Screen Impressions

But one thing is clear: without specific information about media, print speed, ink used, etc., the information provided is only valid. For example, if you change the LAB color value of PANTONE 116 C to the SWOP grid commonly used in the US, you’ll end up with 20 in Magenta instead of 14 as shown in the PANTONE Bridge Fan.

Compared to European standard PANTONE LAB values ​​and PANTONE Bridge CMYK values, there are sometimes large color differences when compared to ISOCoatedV2 or PSOCoatedV3 coated papers or papers like PSOUcoated or PSOUcoatedV3. PANTONE Cool Gray 2 is too light in the CMYK cycle, and PANTONE Cool Gray 11 is always too dark. For PANTONE 3278 C, the CMYK bridge values ​​of PSOCoatedV3 are very similar, but the comparison is worse for Uncoated. here?

Thesis 1: Why should color manufacturers send CMYK replacement values ​​to their products? This would be disastrous for business.

One thing’s for sure: no mistakes. PANTONE knows what they’re doing. But surprisingly, the price of this bridge has changed by a few percentage points over the years. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that the use and results of different pigments have changed over the years. But there is no way to know how the result was created, the logic behind the profile or value. Some panelists pondered the wrong decision: “Cui bono? Why do color manufacturers send CMYK replacement values ​​to their products? It hurts the economy.” Pantone Coated And Uncoated Color Bridge Set Gp6102a 294 New Trend Added, New, Set Gp6102a, 2 Count

It’s a fun way to look at the truth for no reason. If the company leader had seen the negative CMYK shift in his PANTONE color space long enough, he would have accepted the additional cost for five-color printing, only to see the participants’ colors increase.

Let’s assume that PANTONE “Green1” corresponds to a CMYK color of 30/0/100/0. If two shades of green appear in the fan (“Green2” and “Green3”), which should theoretically be displayed with CMYK 35/0/110/0 and CMYK 40/0/120/0, what’s the ghost?

To set all three greens to CMYK 30/0/100/0, what is the next CMYK value that can be fully colored? This would be the most obvious approach, especially since it is practically impossible to use two adjacent PANTONE colors in a CMYK conversion. This is because the company’s colors include either Green 1 or Green 2, but rarely both at the same time.

Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

On the other hand, PANTONE bridge fan buyers may be surprised if different PANTONE colors in the fan have the same CMYK values.

Custom Printed Packaging: The Pantone And Color Spaces Guide

Therefore, the mental health clinic is clear: in order not to get the same CMYK result, we set the green color to the non-uniform CMYK 30/0/100/0, and then the color 25/0/0/90/0 will be less. and 20/0/0/80/0, which also do not correspond to CMYK values. Nothing right now, but at least each color will have a different CMYK.

Practical tip: ICC profile conversions often provide better CMYK color values ​​for PANTONE color conversions such as CMYK values ​​from PANTONE bridges.

We converted the PANTONE colors used in the above images to two spaces, PSOCoatedV3 and PSOUcoatedV3, using both partially colorless and color saturation (marked “r” after the CMYK color values) in the ICC profile, and mapped the light optimally. case.

Usually, this color change works better. Look at yourself:

Spot Vs. Process Color

If you need the best conversion of one or more PANTONE colors to CMYK, we are happy to support you with our knowledge, measurements and technology. We identify and compare several PANTONE color images in CMYK and show the best resolution in CMYK with measurements in Delta-E00.

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Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

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Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

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We have once again passed Fogra certification and we are also the first company to be recognized with Fogra “Spot Certification” for Fogra59 eciCMYK-V2.

Using The Pantone Color Finder

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Convert Cmyk To Pantone Color

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Pantone® Color Bridge™ Cmyk Pc now converts DeviceLink colors from various RGB and CMYK standards to non-CMYK standards with offset and gravure printing.

Barcode CIELAB CMYK D50 Digitalproof EAN ECI EFI Farbproof Fogra Fogra39 Fogra51 Fogra 51 Fogra 52 Fogra52 freecolour freecolour GRACoL GRACol 2013 GTIN HKS hlc IDEAlliance ILS30 ISO3664:2009 Procool GRACoL GRACoL GRACoL GRACoL GRACoL in PSO store. Color printing may seem difficult, but it has a simple solution. Learning how to convert Pantone to CMYK is the best solution to today’s problems.

Unless you’re a graphic designer who uses Photoshop or Illustrator every day, you probably don’t know what CMYK or Pantone means. But if you’re a business or even a homeowner who wants it

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