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How To Save Transparent Background
When I want to save my own image as a png, even if I don’t use my full size, the rest fills in as a white background.
Solved: Save Logo With Transparent Background
How can I save as png without white background? Also tried many tutorials online but none of them really helped me or selection options are not available in adobe photoshop CC 2019
Under the File>Export As dialog there is a clear background check box…checked, right?
Make sure you select the option File > Quick Export as PNG – File > Export as… Select the png format in the export dialog.
Added to address OP’s comment – but with a caveat – don’t add new questions to comments – usually considered a hoax here on GDSE.
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What I addressed at the top of my answer was how to get a clear background for your PNG and white background, because that’s what you clearly asked – you added a secondary block in your answer that contradicts your comment. . : You only want to cut or crop the border of your image – when you mentioned “white space” in your OP, you didn’t mean to ask for white and transparency, but “disappear”. composition area” problem… this is best done in Photoshop using Image>Crop… clear the Pixels command before exporting your composition.
Hopefully now that I’ve addressed the transparency issue and the wasted space issue, you should be ready to roll.
By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you consent to Stack Exchange storing cookies on your device and providing information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Free PowerPoint Templates Blog Tutorials & Tips How to Save a PowerPoint Shape to PNG with 100% Transparent Background
Saving PowerPoint presentations to images is one thing we can do if we want to use the slides as images. However, in some cases we want to save the shape as an image and keep its 100% transparent background.
How To Make A Transparent Image Using Gimp (with Pictures)
The bad news is that saving PowerPoint to images (in the file dialog) doesn’t allow us to set a transparent background when placing slides. But the good news is that we can save it as a graphic or shape with 100% transparency using the Save As Image option.
For this example, let’s consider one of the templates available at, one of my favorite PowerPoint template providers. They offer high-quality PowerPoint templates that are 100% editable, giving the presenter or designer “full control” to customize the slides according to their needs. This is one of the main advantages of using templates and graphics created with non-editable PowerPoint shapes even from other providers.
In this example, I want to export the world map graphic at 100% transparency so that we can use it later to write another graphic, in this case using Photoshop, but it could be in some other graphics tool or for another purpose.
Once the graphic is selected, we can right-click on the graphic or shape and select “Save as Image…” in PowerPoint.
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A new file dialog box will appear where you can specify the output folder and file name to use. Here, select PNG Portable Network Graphics Format *.png for Save as type option.
Once saved, the resulting image remains transparent and can be used in any other graphic. In this case, we will use it to create a new graphic in Photoshop as shown below.
For this purpose I transparently pasted the PNG image into a new image created in Photoshop, and as you can see, the world map retains full transparency and is pasted as a new overlay in the Photoshop editor.
The same method works for other types of graphics, for example if certain shapes are selected as shown in the image below.
Save Our Planet T
This solution was originally posted here on Stackoverflow. As mentioned in the post, the technique also works for WordArt graphics, which means you can use PowerPoint to make some slides using text effects created by WordArt and then export them to any device. It should be noted that this method works very well in newer versions of PowerPoint. If your version of PowerPoint is older than any of these versions, it is recommended that you upgrade your PowerPoint version, as you may miss out on other great options such as 3D PowerPoint graphics or morph transition effects.
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