Paint Colors For Stucco Exterior

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Paint Colors For Stucco Exterior – Struggling to choose the right exterior paint colors for your home? I’m here to help and guide you through every step of choosing the right color pigment combination for your home’s exterior. I will make this very easy for you guys, I promise!

The number one paint question I’ve received over the years is choosing exterior colors because it’s one of the hardest paint decisions you can make for your home. You want your house to look beautiful and you don’t want to make any mistakes in the painting. If you follow my seven steps below, I promise you will avoid common mistakes and be able to make exterior color decisions that will be beautiful! Join me here!

Paint Colors For Stucco Exterior

Paint Colors For Stucco Exterior

The first thing you want to do when deciding what color to paint the exterior of your home is to choose a color scheme. When I say “shade,” I mean, do you want light, medium, or dark in your home? You don’t have to consider anything here other than deciding whether you want a light or white color, a medium or medium shade, or a dark color.

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For most of you, choosing a shade is an instant and easy decision, and you know right away whether you want a light or dark home. But some of you may not be loyal and just open to anyone and need help making this decision. It will help if you search for home exteriors on Pinterest to get inspiration on which shade will look best in your home. For example, if you have a country style home, search for “Country Style Home Exterior” on Pinterest to see all the different color options that can inspire you.

Before you get too far into your color decisions, you need to consider your color ceiling. If you have black or neutral gray, you don’t have to worry so much about clashing colors. Unfortunately, I have a dark brown ceiling under the light red counters, so colors like shades of green or blue wouldn’t work for me and would clash. For those who have a red, brown, green or blue-gray block roof, you should make sure to match the color of the roof when choosing an exterior color palette.

If you’re like me and have a black car that has a red subwoofer, you’ll want to stick to a neutral color scheme to run your home safely. If it’s trimmed with tree green or blue-gray, there’s a little more leeway and you want to prevent color clashing if the color is either neutral or has a subtle color or a subtle color to blend and compliment and not to fight. . If you have a black roof, there is almost nothing you can do.

If you have stone or brick in your home, you should also consider any strong undertones in your stone or brick. If your house is full of brick and you only need one trim color, then find either the lightest, medium, or darkest color in the stone/brick and use that trim color.

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If your home is not all brick/stone and is either brick or brick or you only have brick/stone accents, make your room much fresher with color choices that match your home’s exterior color. As long as your body has a thin layer of brick/stone shades, you shouldn’t have any problems with cracking. For example, if your brick has a warm undertone and you want gray as the body color of the house, get warm gray instead of pale gray. This is just the warmth in the gray that will blend into the new side of the body color. Most significant?

Next, once you’ve considered your roof color and decided on a shade, you need to consider the light effect of exterior paint colors, which is different than choosing interior colors. I’ll save you a lot of time by telling you that the light/sun will make the exterior cool/blue, which happens when there’s a lot of light. As crazy as this sounds, you need to warm up at least 2-3 times on the outer color to get a balanced color that isn’t cool or blue based. Let me tell you what I want.

When it came time to paint the exterior of the outdoor kitchen pool house, I had to choose a color that was actually about 3 times warmer than what I wanted in the desired final color. I wanted a finish color that looked like Sherwin Williams “On the Rocks”, but due to the amount of light that affects exterior paint colors, I had to choose a color 3 times warmer to cover the color from the blue or cold.

Paint Colors For Stucco Exterior

Yes, my tank house is painted Burmese beige, but because of the light it looks like SW On the Rocks.

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Isn’t it crazy what light does to exterior colors? So when choosing colors, try colors at least 1-2 warmer than the colors you ultimately want. My last color was 3 times warmer. Remember that if you want a white exterior, you should also choose a warmer white or your house will end up blue.

When you decide on the shade, in terms of the color of the roof and you know that you need to warm up due to the abundance of outside light, then you need to decide on the actual color outside the body of your house. It helps to look for similar styles at home to understand the possibilities. I have a Pinterest board here that has all the exterior house paint colors that can really help the color scheme.

Now that you’ve chosen a color, there are so many variables when it comes to the effect of the exterior color, including what part of your home it faces and how much shade your home has, that it’s impossible to pick a body color with certainty. without trying. and seeing during the day he strives in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. This is such a critical step, especially when choosing exterior paint colors that the sun can bring out weird hues that you can’t see on the paint chart.

I tried several paint colors on my ceiling wall to get the right color for the pool house and ceiling wall. I was very surprised at how excited I was to go. It is important at this point that you do the same and test the colors either on the poster or directly in your home to get it safe and the exact color that you will love for years to come.

Stucco Houses With Stunning Exterior Designs

Once you’ve decided on your main exterior body color, you’re ready to move on to choosing exterior trim and accent colors. First of all, remember, when it comes to choosing colors and style, less is more! I can’t tell you how often I work with clients who have a lot of architectural detail on the exterior of their home (exteriors, shutters, lots of changes in ceiling corners) who want to paint each part a different color/shade because we think it will highlight the architectural details. But too much contrast and different shades of color actually have the opposite effect, and the eye stops at every color and architectural details no longer exist.

Last year I worked with a couple who were building a beautiful new home on a heavily wooded lot. They wanted their house to be green, in keeping with all the trees. The house has many different exterior prosody/elements, including rock mixed with traditional pieces, various dramatic changes in roof angles, lots of triangles, stone accents, etc. Basically they wanted to paint all the exterior accents a different shade/color and I encouraged them. stick to one main color and one subordinate color, because then all the elements of beautiful architecture will stand out more and will not be drawn in all the color changes. What people don’t know is that the dotted triangle and the stone are also colors. Below you can see what the house looked like when we were done.

Imagine how busy the exterior of the house would be if we had an upper shade of green, a darker green to favor the lower tradition, and a completely different color of wood (chicken’s feet) on the roof.

Paint Colors For Stucco Exterior

When choosing exterior trim and accent colors for my clients, 95% of the time I want to

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