Sherwin Williams Oil Based Primer

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Sherwin Williams Oil Based Primer – Everyone loves a one stop shop. People go to supermarkets like Walmart because we can do our banking, get a haircut, pay our taxes, change our car oil, and buy groceries for the week, all under one roof. When we have a home improvement project, most of us go to a big box store because it saves us from running all over town to get supplies. It is very simple. But these areas are particularly lacking. When I have a home improvement project, I usually go to Home Depot or Lowe’s to pick up all my supplies. But if I need specialist parts, or expert advice on unusual repairs, I go straight to the smaller suppliers where the specialist shops are because I know they have products available to solve specific problems. The same is true when it comes to painting. Preparation and primer are the backbone of any good paint job, but most people will either use no primer or just stick to a standard multi-purpose product in every situation, like Kilz – whose name is similar. they have become like primers in the same way that Band Aid is like adhesive bandages. While these all-in-one products have their place, they aren’t always the best choice for projects where a more specialized primer will do the job better and, more importantly, last they longer. In this week’s article, we’ll discuss some of my favorite home improvement tools that you may not have heard of, but might want to consider adding to your arsenal the next time you get your hands on a broom. I know I’m contradicting myself here, but when you do as many projects around the house as I do, there are sure to be multi-purpose cans that come in handy. Without a doubt, my favorite product is the Zinsser Bullseye 1-2-3. It is water based for easy cleaning, perfect for indoor or outdoor use, versatile, stain resistant, quick drying and affordable. My only gripe with it is its low consistency. If that’s a problem for you, a good choice would be Sherwin-Williams LaTeX Multi-Purpose Primer/Sealer. It is a more compact product than Bullseye but IMHO is more flexible. New Drywall & Interior Bare Wood Primer For my money, the Cadillac of new drywall primers has to be Sherwin-Williams Premium Wall & Wood Primer. Unlike ordinary PVA plaster that you can buy anywhere, the extra money you pay will make a significant difference in the quality of your finish, especially if you are a discerning buyer who appreciates a wall that looks luxurious. The same applies to cutting bare wood. I have painted side by side with PW&W Primer next to other quality products and the difference is easy to see. It creates a smooth finish and allows the top coat to develop a brighter, richer, more even appearance. It also sands easily when dry, so if you need to smooth out any imperfections in your cut work, it can be a real joy to work with. The only downside is the cost; it can be expensive if you don’t get it on sale. Blocking primer stains In the case of stubborn stains that bleed through multiple primers and top coats, like smoke and water stains, you may want to reach for the gold standard of stain-blocking primers: Zinsser BIN Primer. This product has long earned its reputation because it works. BIN Primer not only prevents stains, but is the best option for covering smoke, fire and pet stains – and will work when all other options fail. The downside of BIN is that it is a shellac product which means it is consistently thin, difficult to work with and clean, and has a great smell. Not only does it smell bad, but the fumes are so strong that you wouldn’t want to use it in an area without good ventilation and good respiratory protection unless you have a headache. If you must use BIN on a project, don’t forget to take some disposable brushes and rubbing alcohol or ammonia water to clean everything. Bonding Primer One provides the most smoothness of any paint or primer to bond with, and in some cases – like when you’re painting latex over oil – a little extra help is needed. For these areas, you will need a primer formulated specifically for the job. There are many primers that claim to work for this purpose but none that I have found work as well as XIM 400. XIM 400 is a fast drying, solvent-based primer. The only problem is that it is solvent based so cleaning is not as easy as some water based ones, but that is a small price to pay for the difference in performance. 400 can be hard to find in some places with the new VOC regulations now in place, but XIM makes a lower VOC alternative. Exterior Bare Wood Primer Sometimes slower is better – not just when cooking BBQ pork. There are quick-drying, easy-to-clean options for almost every brand today, but when it comes to exterior wood, especially wood siding, I’m old school. I just love the proven technique of semi-drying oil-based primer. And the king of oil-based wood primers must be Sherwin-Williams’ Exterior Oil-based Wood Primer. Because it dries slowly (24 hours to repaint), it has more time to penetrate the surface of the wood so it can take hold and last longer. The same thing that makes it good is the same thing that keeps people from using it – it’s oil based and dries slowly. But hey, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. Concrete Primer Concrete is a different animal than other substrates and deserves its own line of coatings to meet its unique needs. Sherwin-Williams has a line of such concrete rugs, called Loxon. Loxon Concrete & Masonry Primer is the most versatile choice for homeowners who need to clean coat their masonry. LC&MP is excellent because it can be used in high pH areas — where other primers fail in similar applications, it will seal porous surfaces to help keep water out, it will resist effluents (the white deposits salts that form on concrete), and it is cheap. Start to stop peeling paint When preparing your exterior paint surface, it’s always best to scrape the peeling paint back to where it can peel, feather the edges, and remove bare spots before painting. . But there are times when I notice the paint just won’t stop peeling. Instead of peeling all over the place, there are times when you can get away with using a bonding primer like Zinsser Peel Stop to seal in the loose ends after you rip as hard as you can. Peel Stop can be used indoors or outdoors, it is water based and can be used on a variety of surfaces. It can also seal paint cracks and seal chalky areas. Anti-rust primer Bare metal parts will rust, even if painted, if an anti-rust primer and coating are not used as protection. There are many acrylic (water-based) primers that prevent corrosion but I have never been impressed with their performance. I believe there is no substitute for a good solvent-based primer in this situation, but the best anti-corrosion products are no longer available in their original form because the helmet manufacturers have had to reformulate them to meet the requirements. new VOC guidelines. But for the best available, I’m partial to SW’s Kem Kromik Universal Metal Primer. The problem is that this product is actually below the sales line of the company’s products so you won’t find it on the shelves of your local store. But they also stock other entrepreneur products and are happy to sell them if you’re willing to dig deep into your pocket to find them. An affordable option would be the red label Enamel-Surface Prime Oil. It can be used indoors or outdoors and is durable. Liquid Masking Primer For Windows Masking Liquid H2O is a really cool product that can be used over glass when painting window frames, and

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