South East Facing House Vastu

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South East Facing House Vastu – For people who want to buy a house for themselves, a south-facing house is considered as another option. Doubts and myths surrounding it create these doubts. Today we are going to know real facts and features about south facing spacious house from famous spacious expert Mr. Pinaki Pal.

Over the past two decades, houses facing the south have acquired a very bad reputation and a negative reputation among the majority population. Many of them think that every huge house facing south is inauspicious, but this is nothing but a big misconception. There is no bad direction in Vastu. It all depends on many rules and how they are implemented. Therefore, a spacious south facing house can also bring prosperity and be favorable to the occupants if the spatial rules are properly followed. So if you are planning to get Dakshmukhi plot then this blog is only for you.

South East Facing House Vastu

South East Facing House Vastu

In Vastu, each direction is associated with a specific deity and element, and its proper alignment helps to positively impact our lives, while failure to do so can have dire consequences. We have already discussed the meaning of north facing space in our previous article. People often get confused when evaluating their property’s approach, so let’s start by understanding that and a few other aspects.

North Facing House Vastu

The direction when you walk out the front door of the house is the direction of your house. So, if you face south then you live in a spacious south facing house. The same goes for other directions.

Is a large south facing house good or bad for its occupants Click to Tweet What are the most common myths associated with a large south facing house?

Many legends are prevalent among the people regarding the vast south facing house. Some of them are misfortunes, misfortunes, diseases, disabilities and financial losses.

As you can see, these are some serious problems, which is why many people stay away from a large south facing house. However, most of them are shared due to insufficient knowledge and lack of expert guidance. Therefore, it is very important to consult a comprehensive expert before buying any property as he can guide you properly to ensure that the property fully complies with Vastu rules.

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After dispelling the myths, it’s time to know the benefits associated with a spacious south-facing home.

Contrary to popular myths, having a south facing house can be very beneficial for some people if the entrance is placed in 3 padas (we will discuss this below). This type of property may be suitable for business owners, but is recommended for service people. If a south facing building is considered as a production office or workplace, it is a very powerful source of income and prosperity. That is why such people are mostly advised to keep south facing house.

Adequate amount of sunlight in your home can give you the greatest benefit. Since the sun is the main source of energy for us, it fills our house with positive emotions and feelings. In addition, natural light improves the mood of the occupants and significantly reduces the dependence on artificial lighting. It is also a rich source of vitamin D, and it is healthy to be exposed to it for a few hours, but be careful not to expose it for too long or it can cause skin irritation or sunburn.

South East Facing House Vastu

For colder climates, getting a south facing home is an additional option to buy property as sunlight provides natural heat to the home. Likewise, for places with hot climates, this should not be allowed, or at least there should be enough shade around the house. However, with AC and air conditioning in abundance these days, it does not present any major inconvenience.

X40 South Facing Vastu House Design

Dakshinmukhi Vastu house is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is important to assess the comprehensive capacity of residents before starting any procurement business. Their professions and/or zodiac signs are also very important along with the needs of the residents.

Mars rules the southern direction, so people involved in real estate and health care are very suitable for such properties. South direction is also very suitable for people in show business as it is associated with fame and popularity. Also, since the southern directions are related to the fire element, they are also ideal for those concerned with protection and security. People involved in administrative services are suitable for such properties.

Apart from business, astrology is also very important for general role in property suitability. Lower zodiac people are suitable for a spacious house facing south.

It is not enough to fulfill these criteria to buy such a property. For this you need a great expert.

X 31 South Facing House Plan According To Vastu || Plan No : 349

Let us begin to understand the basic rules of placement of various rooms and main doors that should be followed while getting a south facing house.

The main entrance is the threshold of any house and its direction plays an important role. Due to its complex nature, many comprehensive advisors recommend avoiding it altogether. But to make the most of a spacious south-facing home, you need an expert. His advice on the location of the main entrance will help you, the occupants of the house, to attain wealth and prosperity.

According to traditional Vastu Shastras, there are certain energy fields in the south that can be entered for good effect. For that we need to understand some detailed aspects of Vastu. There are 8 steps in the south direction of the house which are called Padas in Vastu. Each of them has its own characteristics and importance. From west to east (left to right) they are named – Mrigah, Bhringrad, Gandharva, Vama, Grikhashat, Vitat, Pusha and Anil. See below image to understand more.

South East Facing House Vastu

Ideal places to place the main entrance in a Dakshinmukhi house are Pusha, Vitata and Grikhashata, which help in wealth, health and prosperity.

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Except these 3 all the remaining 5 padas are very inauspicious. This can put you in heavy debt and lead to financial loss. In some cases, it can lead to serious health problems. According to senior experts, main entry into any of these remaining padas is a no-no and should be avoided completely.

So it is very important to consult an expert Vastu consultant who will guide you in choosing the right location for the main entrance.

All these 3 spaces represent the element of water and create the force of water around them. It is generally considered natural to place an underground water tank directly in front of the house. This is especially good for a north facing house. But it can be a disaster for a south facing house.

For a large south facing house, it should be ensured that there is no underground structure (be it tank or tank or septic tank or water outlet) in front of the house. There should be no water storage element on the south side of the house. Due to which a huge financial loss can occur. It can also lead to lawsuits and lawsuits and hurt you, especially if you own your own business. Moreover, it can cause some serious problems related to digestive and reproductive health and needless to say, it mostly affects the women of the house.

X60 South Facing Vastu Home Plan

For this type of property it is recommended to place the bathroom in the north-west. Additionally, groundwater resources in the southern part and southeast or southwest corners are strongly not recommended. Similarly, the location of the septic tank needs to be considered. Its true location is south of the southwest corner.

With these notes, if there is any road junction or T-junction in the south-west of the Vastu then a Dakshinmukhi house should be completely avoided. The image below explains:

Colors play an important role in the architecture of any home. There are certain color rules to consider when painting different rooms of the house, as each room represents an important aspect of everyday life. Any mindless or random choice can lead to major imbalance in the home. However, painting the front of the house, also known as the facade, is the most important. So be careful while choosing colors. Choose bright colors like shades of red and orange/ but avoid black, gray or dark blue for the facade of the house.

South East Facing House Vastu

For a large south-facing house it is necessary to determine the ideal height and width of the boundary wall. Make sure the south walls are a bit higher

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