Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

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Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint – Last year we spent a lot of time renovating the exterior of our house. Hobie began the long and tedious process of painting the house. (It still has trim on the second floor.) I focused on the concrete porch floor and deck.

Yes, that’s right! LOHN and after a very hard winter – both the deck and porch needed a complete overhaul!

Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

Today I’m going to talk about a story I wanted to try out with the patio brick foundation of my house I saw on Fixer Upper!

Whitewash Brick: The Pros And Cons Of Painted Brick Plus The Easiest Techniques

However, upon closer inspection, I realized that this was not what I wanted. This close-up shows how much paint has been applied to the bricks. That is why it is called “Smear”.

But then I discovered that this method uses lime, not paint! It took me out of my comfort zone.

But remember, my plan was not to paint the “inside” of our house white. My task was to whitewash the bricks outside. Bricks that reveal elements of Minnesota life!

After the chaos of the porch and teahouse, the last thing I wanted to do was create another project for myself. So I did more research.

Which Is Best: Staining, Whitewashing Or Painting Brick?

Maybe there wasn’t a tutorial for the exact project I needed to do, but maybe I could take what I’ve learned so far and make it happen anyway!

What is surprising? The brick wash was one of the easiest projects I’ve ever done in this house!

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Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

*** I bought this nozzle a month ago. Because the dishwasher is broken. Does the same thing and for a lot less money!

Giani Brick Transformations Whitewash Paint For Brick And Fireplaces 16 Oz Pint, House Paint

I cannot stress this step enough! Brick is very porous and can accumulate a lot of dirt and grime from water and dirt over time. (Believe me) no paint or primer will stick properly if it is not properly cleaned.

All I used to clean the bricks was plain old dish soap, water and a stiff wire brush.

After all the bricks are thoroughly cleaned, it’s time to wash. That’s where those awesome nozzles come in! As mentioned above – the power is amazing – and the dust left over from cleaning, these nozzles are clearly removed!

The bricks may look dry after an hour, but they are not! Allow the bricks to dry for at least 24 hours before proceeding to step 3.

Whitewash Brick Exterior Tips

Second, you don’t want to dilute the primer. Doing so means weakening all the components that make it perfect for this application.

It’s my fault for not taking pictures of the other two steps, but…

Now let’s talk about technology. The truth is, there is no perfect approach to whitewashing. It’s basically a brush over paint as big or as small as you want. That’s it! Because there is one important thing to remember. The lighter the strokes of the brush – and the less primer you use, the more “pink” the final result will be! yes i said pink! Not what you want. Is this correct?

Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

But as you can see in the picture above, you don’t have to end up with a pink brick! I just filled in the brush (remember I put plastic over it to protect the plants etc) and used cross strokes with the brush. This “technique” is what you would call an even distribution of paint, rather than going over the bricks multiple times to achieve the same result.

Questions Answered About Limewash

But I like the color change in spots. Like wearing it naturally over time. The upside is that my old rusty milk can no longer stand against the red bricks! And what’s even better is that I was able to add some rustic charm to the exterior with a lot of $$$ and very little time and effort!

So what do you think of our elegant bricks? Want to make your own “painting”? I want to hear! Leave me a comment or send me an email!

The photo below was taken two years after the brick was painted. (Fall 2018) Two cold winters followed by two very hot and humid summers!

Note: Effective Fall 2020 Update: When we dug up our front yard, a few bricks broke in the process. Otherwise, the rest of the bricks are still in good condition! It’s too cold to paint by now, so I’m going to renovate and paint this place in the spring!

Brick Exterior Basics

With simple and delicious recipes, easy DIY tutorials, decorations, beautiful chalkboards and free printables, we hope you’ll get lots of inspiration and talk to your friends again while you’re here! Grab your favorite drink and let’s make it! The advantages of a brick house are many. They are naturally fire and weather resistant, made from renewable natural resources (seal and clay), easy to maintain and naturally insulated.

However, the choice of brick color can be limited and home buyers sometimes feel that they are giving up on the house color they want. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly and cost-effective options to give your brick home a makeover without compromising on the details that painted brick provides. Limewashing and whitewashing are historic processes that have become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to more expensive exterior repairs.

Limewash peaked in popularity in the 1800s and 1900s because it was readily available and economical.

Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

Limewash contains two components, lime and water, and is usually white in color, but other natural colors are common. Lime, not to be confused with citrus fruits, is extracted from limestone and then processed into lime paste or paste. When combined with water, the mixture turns into a matte or chalky structure that can be applied directly to the exterior of the house.

Best Exterior Paint Colors For Brick Houses

Limewater can be considered a type of whitewash and is often used interchangeably, but this article differentiates between the two.

Unlike lime water, whitewash is a mixture of half water and half paint that is applied to the brick to give it a clear coating that softens the brick’s natural color. Unlike painted brick, whitewash preserves the random natural variations of brick depending on the application and how each person responds to the request.

Now that you know lime and whitewash, how do you choose which process to use for exterior masonry?

If you are looking for something natural and eco-friendly, lime wash is a great choice. This method is recommended for those looking for semi-permanent changes that can be removed with power washing. Lime brick is a better choice for an old house look than new brick.

How To Whitewash A Brick Wall Or Fireplace

On the other hand, we recommend white brick for those looking for a more durable solution. Since whitewash is mixed with paint, it can be used on brick that has already been painted. In general, it’s a good choice for smaller interior projects like fireplace bricks or brick accent walls.

Investing in the outside of your home is just as important as the inside, so choosing the right painting partner is critical to getting your project done right the first time.

Trust the painting experts at Painters® to breathe new life into your brick home. Order today for a consultation on your next outdoor project! Over the past decade, elegant brick exteriors have become increasingly popular as people invest in older homes that are ripe for remodeling.

Whitewashing Exterior Brick With Paint

Two-story, mid-century ranch and colonial-style homes often have red or brown brick exteriors that give the home an old, tired feel. Today’s popular vintage and farmhouse decorating trends have made distressed, elegant exteriors a popular choice for exterior finishes on older homes. However, searching the Internet for “how to whiten the exterior of brick” and using ordinary paints will not give you the desired effect.

How To Whitewash A Brick Exterior Ring’s End

It is important to choose the right product for the painted brick coating. Washing a brick wall instead of painting it is the best way to achieve a high gloss white brick finish that preserves and protects the brick. This is a valuable home improvement that will last for many years. In terms of benefits, the most suitable product for limewash bricks is Romabio’s Classico Lime Wash Single Coat. Create the famous German Schmear effect with less work.

Read on to learn more about this historic finish, or read our guide to learn how to whitewash a brick exterior. Romabio can be installed as a DIY project or hired by a trusted professional.

Lime cleaning bricks is exactly the same as using a mineral lime cleaner mixed with water to protect and clean the bricks.

Fulfillment of promise

Painted Brick: Exterior And Interior

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