Staircase Vastu For East Facing House

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Staircase Vastu For East Facing House – If you are planning to get a house facing east, you should do a detailed analysis before building your house on it. This is because not all vastu are suitable for everyone. We have already covered the north facing vastu house and the south facing main house in our previous blogs. Now it is time to discuss the same in the big house to the east.

Houses facing east are always considered auspicious according to Vastu Shastra. It is believed that following this guide will help you get a large amount of gold. However, not all people can get this opportunity, as some are advised not to get such a property. Let us understand more about it, in details.

Staircase Vastu For East Facing House

Staircase Vastu For East Facing House

East is the direction from which the sun rises and thus this direction itself is considered very auspicious in various aspects of vastu shastra. That is why many people think that all big houses facing the east are good and hope to find such a place. But the truth is far from that.

North Facing House Vastu

Orientation alone cannot determine the overall size of a home. The location of various rooms like bedroom, bathroom, toilets, kitchen, puja room in the house is also important. If this placement is done according to the rules of vastu, that house will be prosperous irrespective of its direction. Therefore, it is important to seek the advice of a vastu expert in India to help in these matters.

Before we research more about the east facing vastu, it is important for all of us to know what the east facing vastu house means. Many people find it difficult to determine how they will be viewed in their home. This confusion exists in all directions, but many people mistakenly think that they can determine the east-east. Many people think that if their house faces the sun, they have a great house facing the east. But most of the time it is not true. Today we will make it clear to you.

Although we know the universal truth that “the sun rises in the east”, there are 2 things to consider. Firstly, the earth tilts at 23.5 degrees off its axis and secondly, the actual direction of the sunrise changes with the seasons. In the course of a year, the earth completes one orbit around the sun. This leads to changes in the seasons and in the average exposure time during the day. Only 2 days a year the sun rises directly in the east, which is the 20th

Therefore, your common sense about the same as your neighbor or real estate agent telling you that your new house is a big house facing the east can be wishful thinking.

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So what is the most reliable way to determine one thing? It’s easy, you can use a compass, which points to true north without any problem. You can easily find one, if very cheap. This can be used to track all 4 directions to your home. When you leave your house through the front gate, the direction you go is the side of your house. So if you walk in the eastern direction while leaving your house, then you have a big house facing east.

According to vastu experts in India, every house is different and every person is different. It takes a thorough investigation to determine if a person qualifies for a particular property. When it comes to determining a person’s suitability, it involves many factors, but two of the most important are a person’s profession and astrology.

First, let’s discuss the techniques that are suitable for people who live in a large house facing the east. The Sun is the planet of the eastern side. It is associated with activities related to power, strength and beauty. Most of them do not choose to work for anyone but themselves. So, you can find many freelancers and freelancers from this group. The east path also stands for wind. It represents escape, new beginnings, creativity, focus and security.

Staircase Vastu For East Facing House

In short, people of the following professions are always suitable for a spacious house facing the east:

Best East Facing House Vastu Plan In India

In addition to the nature of the work, the sun sign also plays an important role in general. The following zodiacs have received complaints from living in a large house facing the east.

As already mentioned, this sun is the ruling planet of the east, it is important that your birth chart is always correct in this regard.

Although the information mentioned above is true in a general sense, you cannot buy a vastu just because your type of work is mentioned in it. It is always the case that many people who have other professions are advised for east facing vastu and equally all the people whose profession is discussed above can be advised for something else. There is a dire need to test the same before getting a vastu.

When we talk about career and astrology, there is another thing that many people get confused about. For the most part, you will find that the entire family lives in the same house rather than just one person. Therefore, it is likely that each person has a different career and birth chart, so which one are you considering? Simply put, it is considered the head of the family or the breadwinner of the family or the legal owner of the property.

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It is better to consult a vastu specialist who can guide you properly. Sometimes situations can be difficult, and good experience can help a lot by giving a quick solution.

Whether it is a house facing east, north, south or west, the front door in the right position is the most important thing. It essentially determines whether the vastu will matter to them or not. The main entrance is very important according to Vastu experts in India. In fact, this should be the first thing to consider before buying a property.

This happens because the door of your house is the most important link between the energy inside and outside. A poorly maintained driveway can make your home unsuitable for you and your family. That is why a vastu guru insists that you have a detailed vastu analysis before making a big contribution.

Staircase Vastu For East Facing House

There are mostly 8 padas on the east side of the vastu. From top to bottom these are named: Agni, Jayanta, Indra, Surya, Satya, Bhrisha, Antariksha, Anila.

Vaastu Guide/tips For House Construction

Of these padas, Jayanta or Indra Pada are the two best positions to place the entrance to the great house towards the east. This brings prosperity and happiness to the residents by spreading good vibes.

If you look at the basic structure of the temples, from ancient times, You will notice that most of them are built to the east, with the main entrance to these 2 padas themselves. Fill the temple with good vibes and attract thousands of devotees, year after year.

Some of these areas have to be completely blocked off to ensure that no harm is caused to the residents.

If you have seen a house built after consulting a vastu specialist in India, you will notice that there is a free space left on the east side. This is done to ensure that the sun’s rays enter the house without obstruction. This removes those negative energies and replaces them with positive ones. This can help you, people, stay healthy and strong every day.

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It is always recommended to leave a free space (even a small corridor or a balcony if there is not much space available) on the east side. Keeping the east side completely closed can cause other health problems and lead to some difficulties during childbirth.

The kitchen is a sacred space when we prepare our food in it. It symbolizes nourishment and sustenance. It also contains the element of fire and the correct placement in the house is important. In a large house facing the east, choose the south-east or north-west direction to place the kitchen. It is also important to ensure that you face east, if your kitchen is on the south side. Likewise, make sure that you face the west, if the kitchen is placed in the north-west direction. To achieve the same, set the oven properly.

Pooja room is the holiest place in every home. Regardless of the direction front, and the space available in it; having a temple is mandatory for every household. In an east facing house, put the pooja room in the north east direction.

Staircase Vastu For East Facing House

The placement of the living room needs attention. For example, you cannot place the living room in a place where you cross the bedroom or kitchen before entering. It should be highly compatible and logical based on common building design. In a house to the east, it is considered to place the living room in the north-east direction

A Complete Guide For Staircase Vastu That You Should Know

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